My life with women

As the father of 4 beautiful girls and the husband of one very lovely wife, I've learned many valuable life lessons, and of course, some important survival skills.

I was reminded of one such survival skill while in the shower this morning. As you may well imagine, living in a house with 5 females means living in a house with five heads of female hair. One annoying 'feature' of female hair is it's tendency to band together to form the mightiest drain clogging agent known to man.

As I was saying before, I was reminded of this trait of female hair as I showered this morning. Two minutes into the shower I looked down to see the familiar clogged drain and the subsequent, feet-wading-in-a-pool-of-my-own-dirt and thinking "Did I remember to by another gallon of Drano?"... of course I did - it's an ingrained survival skill in my life with women.


  1. lol.. well you need a strainer in your bathtub to catch the hair and keep a plunger by it to plunge for those hairs that sneak through said strainer!

  2. At least you didn't pee first and then look down to realize you are now standing in your own urine

  3. Blogs need a like button :)

    thats it glad to see you up here again.

  4. @ Tracey: I guess i do need a strainer... Lord knows telling them to brush their hair before they get in is pointless. :)

    @ Matt: Actually... LOL

    @ Phil: Glad to be back bud.
