Toro Weightlifting Open

Had a great little weightlifting meet on Saturday with Coach Staley. Hit all new PR's across the board. Fun stuff!

Misplaced Love??

If you refuse to love God and your fellow man, as you were created to do, you'll find something to love... but that don't make it right.

Hippies Wail For Dead Trees...

And finally, the payoff.

In the Wall Street Journal today, we hear the news that the Exxon Group has won the contract to develop a huge oil field in Iraq. READ HERE The first thing to come to my mind when I saw this article was, "I guess we have finally seen the payoff.". What I mean to say is that the world is finally seeing the payoff from 1000's of American and Allied troops lives that were lost in the Iraqi war. While this statement may seem cynical, cynicism isn't my intent necessarily. I was and still am today, in favor of the Iraqi war. No doubt the world is a better and safer place for having ousted Saddam Hussein and his regime. The world economy will likely see a HUGE infusion of capital as a result of oil companies from several different countries having access to Iraq's rich oil fields. I just can't, try as I might, disassociate all those precious lives lost as the price tag for advancing capitalism. You may see it differently and I respect that. But for me, as I sit here today, the war now seems to have been less about freedom and more about the almighty dollar...