- Abortion is a ‘God-Given Right,’ Declares Liberal Leader

How odd the article doesn't say exactly what congregation/church the Rev. Veazy is reverend of does it? I guess this Reverend's association is left deliberately obscure to perhaps suggest that the pro-choice ilk has some 'religion' on their side as well?? I wouldn't believe the human race, especially in our so called 'advanced society' of today would be capable of such barbarism if I wasn't alive and seeing it all for myself...

The words of our Lord to Cain applies to this generation as well:

Gen 4:10 "The LORD said, "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground."

Toro Weightlifting Open

Had a great little weightlifting meet on Saturday with Coach Staley. Hit all new PR's across the board. Fun stuff!

Misplaced Love??

If you refuse to love God and your fellow man, as you were created to do, you'll find something to love... but that don't make it right.

Hippies Wail For Dead Trees...

And finally, the payoff.

In the Wall Street Journal today, we hear the news that the Exxon Group has won the contract to develop a huge oil field in Iraq. READ HERE The first thing to come to my mind when I saw this article was, "I guess we have finally seen the payoff.". What I mean to say is that the world is finally seeing the payoff from 1000's of American and Allied troops lives that were lost in the Iraqi war. While this statement may seem cynical, cynicism isn't my intent necessarily. I was and still am today, in favor of the Iraqi war. No doubt the world is a better and safer place for having ousted Saddam Hussein and his regime. The world economy will likely see a HUGE infusion of capital as a result of oil companies from several different countries having access to Iraq's rich oil fields. I just can't, try as I might, disassociate all those precious lives lost as the price tag for advancing capitalism. You may see it differently and I respect that. But for me, as I sit here today, the war now seems to have been less about freedom and more about the almighty dollar...

Word of the Day

Time for a refresher on the TRUE meaning of words in the English language. 

1a:  the quality or state of being faithful
(Fidelity implies strict and continuing faithfulness to an obligation, trust , or duty.)

Unfortunately, like many of our meaningful words today, FIDELITY too has been rendered meaningless by its misled use as the name of an investment firm, or even worse to describe a certain quality of a stereo system (high fidelity).  I don't mind that the U.S. Marines have adopted it's use in their famous motto Semper Fidelis; because at least here it is used to signify the truly human quality it is meant for and in the case of the Marines it means adherence to a code of conduct that says no matter what the circumstances, we will be unwavering in our duty to God, Corp and Country. 

But to go even further, fidelity is BEST used to define the most noblest of all vows - the marriage of a man and a woman.  We hear these words spoken in every sacred wedding ceremony:

To love and comfort, honor and keep,
in sickness and in health,
for richer, for poorer,
for better, for worse,
in sadness and in joy,
to cherish and continually bestow your heart’s deepest devotion,
forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him/her as long as you both shall live?

It's a question of course, and that question is:  Will you demonstrate FIDELITY?

Deliver Me Oh Lord From... Myself??

One day a man was walking along a desert road and came across what appeared to be a dried-up well. As he peered into the well he thought to himself, "I would like to see what's at the bottom of the well", so in he jumped. Upon reaching the bottom he had a look around and didn't like at all what he saw, and there was a horrible smell of mold and decay. "I don't like this at all,"  he complained to himself, "in fact, I'm quite miserable". So day and night the man prayed and pleaded with God to come to his aid. Finally, the Lord sent an angel to the man and the angel told him, "The Lord God has heard your plea for help and I have come to deliver you out of this well." Overjoyed the man said, "Oh thanks be to God for hearing my prayer but I don't wish to get out of the well, only, can you please get me some food and a blanket? It's a bit cold down here and I didn't bring anything to eat." The angel was more than a bit surprised to hear the man's request
and asked, "The Lord understands that you have put yourself in this bad place, but in His great mercy he has sent me to rescue you. Will you not be rescued?". Obstinately the man replied, "I suppose this is just how life is and I'll just have to deal with it. I just need these few things I've asked you for in order to help me endure this terrible predicament." "

You may be asking yourself at this point, "How stupid can you get?", right? But I'll tell you, many of us are just like this man in the well. When we look at our own lives we should be very aware of how much of the angst and turmoil that we suffer is of our own doing - a direct result of the decisions we have made. Debt, divorce/bad relationships, dead-end jobs, etc., all of these things are usually our own creation. Now to be sure I'm not talking about the suffering Christ promised we would endure in this world for following Him - that's much different. Rather, I'm saying that if, by my choices, I've created a lifestyle that is wrought with stress, anxiety, hopelessness, and the like, shouldn't I be spending my prayer time asking God for the courage, strength, and His sure aid to get OUT of this mess? But much like the man in the well, we ask instead for things that will help us endure the self-induced misery because after all, this is just life, right? It's not supposed to be easy, is it?

As hard as it may be, it's vitally important for us to take an honest look at our current state in life and ask ourselves how much of our struggles are of our own making. We must take a real assessment of the things in our life that we are unhappy with, that are taking our joy from us, and then realistically determine if these things are the direct result of decisions we've made (or not made; which is also a decision). Taking OWNERSHIP of our actions that have brought us to our current situation is the first and biggest step toward aligning ourselves with God's will for our life. I understand that sometimes it is difficult to know exactly what God's will is for our life, but it's easy to know what it isn't. When we are distracted by the daily grind and cares of this world, we cannot be open and receptive to the "still small voice" of our Lord that leads us to the place wherein God is able to use us in His plan - and it is this disunity that is the true source of our woes.

Let this be our prayer:

I will not rise in the morning and beg of you my Lord for courage and grace to face my day; not when my day is filled with the toils and trials that I brought upon myself of my own free will. Instead, I will ask for Your strength and wisdom to help me change my life to conform to Your will - Your good and perfect will.   Amen.

The Superstition of Divorce

G.K. Chesterton said the two greatest enemies to freedom in our society are big government and big business; and they are also the enemies of the family. What do you think?

Read Article Here

From G.K. Chesterton's "Tremendous Trifles":

"If there is one thing worse than the modern weakening of major morals," says Chesterton, "it is the modern strengthening of minor morals. Thus it is considered more withering to accuse a man of bad taste than of bad ethics. Cleanliness is not next to godliness nowadays, for cleanliness is made an essential and godliness is regarded as an offence."

Chesterton could see from a century ago that the world was headed to a time when smoking a cigar would be considered more offensive than performing an abortion.
(By Dale Ahlquist -

Guest Appearance on Iron Radio Today!!

Welcome to Iron Radio With Guest Troy Paradiso; Topic: Fitting Life with Athletics

Huge Milestones Reached In Wednesday's Training Session!

- Hit a 90kg (198lb) Snatch a +4kg PR!

- Hit a 110kg (242lb) Clean and Jerk a +3kg PR!

- At the end of the video you'll see a squat session from hell!  275lbs x 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

Obsess Much?

Here's a link to an article I wrote a few weeks ago for Staley Training Systems.  Enjoy!

Imagine No Religion?

A billboard in downtown Phoenix, AZ.

I travel to work every day by this billboard and most days it displays typical advertising, i.e., beer, insurance, cell phone's, etc., so imagine my surprise when I pulled up to the stop light and saw this announcement.  If you looked at this picture and had a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, you and I have something in common.  I never was a fan of John Lennon.... 

Anyway, I think I'd rather imagine no FALSE religion personally.  I'm not going to even attempt to go into a Master's level discourse on theology and religion on this blog, no time or space for it, BUT, if you want to leave some well thought out and relevant comments/feedback, I'd be happy to discuss further.
