Word of the Day

Time for a refresher on the TRUE meaning of words in the English language. 

1a:  the quality or state of being faithful
(Fidelity implies strict and continuing faithfulness to an obligation, trust , or duty.)

Unfortunately, like many of our meaningful words today, FIDELITY too has been rendered meaningless by its misled use as the name of an investment firm, or even worse to describe a certain quality of a stereo system (high fidelity).  I don't mind that the U.S. Marines have adopted it's use in their famous motto Semper Fidelis; because at least here it is used to signify the truly human quality it is meant for and in the case of the Marines it means adherence to a code of conduct that says no matter what the circumstances, we will be unwavering in our duty to God, Corp and Country. 

But to go even further, fidelity is BEST used to define the most noblest of all vows - the marriage of a man and a woman.  We hear these words spoken in every sacred wedding ceremony:

To love and comfort, honor and keep,
in sickness and in health,
for richer, for poorer,
for better, for worse,
in sadness and in joy,
to cherish and continually bestow your heart’s deepest devotion,
forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him/her as long as you both shall live?

It's a question of course, and that question is:  Will you demonstrate FIDELITY?

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